Research Seminar
Talks in Summer Semester 2023 (Linzer Str. 4, Room 40010, ground floor KKSB & online)
The zoom-Link for an online participation is:
Monday, November 6 (2023), 2 pm
Ana Carolina Franco Castiblanco (Uni Bremen), "Sample size calculations for cluster randomized trials with heterogeneous within cluster variances"
Monady, October 23 (2023), 2:30 pm
Tom Splittgerber (Uni Bremen), "Introdcution to Normalizing Flows"
Monay, September 11 (2023), 2 pm
Mika-Joel Walmann (Uni Bremen), "Generalizations of the Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem"
Friday, July 18 (2023), 4 pm
Serhat Günay (Uni Bremen), „Analysis of parameter and partial parameter impacts“
Monday, July 3 (2023), 9:30 am
Varun Raj Ginde (Uni Bremen), “Bayesian Variable Selection”
Monday, June 12 (2023), 9:30 am
Eike Voss (Uni Bremen), "Working Report: Assessing risk of bias with Cochrane's RoB 2 tool in studies applying the estimand framework"
Monday, June 5 (2023), 9:30 am
Vincent Jankovic (Uni Bremen), "Online FWER control with dependent test statistics"
Friday, April 14 (2023), 12 pm
Alex Rink (Uni Bremen), " Einführung in Neuronale Netze und Ansätze zur Interpretierbarkeit"
Talks in Winter Semester 2022/23 (Linzer Str. 4, Room 40010, ground floor KKSB & online)
The zoom-Link for an online participation is:
Monday, Januar 23 (2023), 1:15
Werner Brannath (Uni Bremen), "Towards a concept of essential type one error rates"
Monday, Januar 16 (2023), 1:15
Martin Scharpenberg (Uni Bremen), "Simultaneous confidence intervals for an extended Koch-Röhmel design in three-arm non-inferiority trials"
Monday, Januar 9 (2023), 1:15 pm
Remi Luschei (Uni Bremen), "The effect of estimating prevalences on the population wise error rate"
Monday, December 12 (2022), 1:15 pm
Vincent Jankovic (Uni Bremen), "Online FDR control with correlated test statistics"
Monday, December 5 (2022), 2:15 pm
Lasse Fischer (Uni Bremen), "Online multiple testing with FWER control"
Monday, November 28 (2022), 1:15 pm
Eike Voss (Uni Bremen), "Bias assessment with the Cochrane RoB 2 tool in the light of the estimand framework"
Monday, November 21 (2022), 1:15 pm
Serhat Günay (Uni Bremen), "Partial parameter effects: Definitions, inference methods and Applications of partial parameter effect"
Monday, November 14 (2022), 1:15 pm
Serhat Günay (Uni Bremen), “Fundamentals from the theory of semiparametric models"
Monday, November 7 (2022), 2:15 pm
Annika Swenne (Uni Bremen and BIPS), “Confounder Adjustment based on Local Residuals in Genetic Association Studies with Random Forests”
Monday, October 24 (2022), 1:15 pm
Horward Chen Haoyu (Vetmeduni Vienna), "Testing for selection using haplotypes"
Monday, October 17 (2022), 1:15
Anja Hülsmann (Uni Bremen), "Sample Size Reviews in Diagnostic Studies for Testing the AUC"
Talks in Winter Semester 2020/21
Monday, 13.12.2021, 2 p.m., via zoom
Vincent Janković (University Bremen), "Adaptive Testing Procedures for Online Control of the False Discovery Rate"
Wednesday, 03.11.2021, 10:30 a.m., Linzer Str 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Marta Bofill Roig (Medical University of Vienna), "Model-based time trend adjustments in platform trials with non-concurrent controls"
Talks in Summer Semester 2020
Wednesday, 20.10.2020, 10 a.m., via BigBlueBottom
Pascal Rink (University Bremen), "A Warp-Speed Method for Conducting Monte Carlo Experiments Involving Bootstrap Estimators"
Wednesday, 12.08.2020, 10 a.m., via zoom
Serhat Günay (University of Bremen), "Counterfactual distributions and influence functions"
Wednesday, 20.05.2020, 10 a.m., via zoom
Pascal Rink (University Bremen), "Introduction to Post-Selection Inference"
Wednesday, 08.04.2020, 10 a.m., via Skype
Serhat Günay (University of Bremen), "Inference on counterfactual distirbutions"
Talks in Winter Semester 2019/20
Monday, 23.03.2020, 2:30 p.m., via Skype
Pascal Rink (University of Bremen), "A multiple testing approach to post-selection inference: mathematical structure and computation"
Thursday, 17.03.2020 (rescheduled), 2 p.m., via Skype
Serhat Günay (University of Bremen), "Unconditional Quantile Regression"
Thursday, 06.02.2020, 2 p.m.,Linzer Str 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Pascal Rink (University of Bremen), "A multiple testing appraoch for post-selection inference"
Talks in Summer Semester 2019
Friday, 07.06.2019, 10 a.m., Linzer Str 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Kelly Van Lancker (Gent University), "Improving interim decisions in randomized trials by exploiting information on short-term outcomes and prognostic baseline covariates"
Thursday, 10.4.2019, 13:30 p.m., Linzer Str 4 (KKSB), Room 41100, 2nd Floor
Andreas Mändle, "Statistical optimization of expensive multi-response black-box functions"
Talks in Winter Semester 2018/19
Monday, 25.3.2019, 4:30 p.m., Linzer Str 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
André Lüschen, "Assessing switchability of biosimilars"
Monday, 11.3.2019, 1 p.m., Linzer Str 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Max Westphal, "Bayesian analysis of multiple proportions: Derivation of a multivariate beta distribution (Part II)"
Monday, 25.2.2019, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Presentation and Discussion of Xiao-Li Meng's video recorded talk: "Statistical Paradises and Paradoxes in Big Data" ( )
Monday, 28.1.2019, 4 p.m. (s.t.), Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Presentation and Discussion of Ian White's video recorded talk: "Handling data that are missing due to death in trial design an analysis" (
Monday, 17.12.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Max Westphal, "Bayesian analysis of multiple proportions: Derivation of a multivariate beta distribution"
Monday, 10.12.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Saswati Saha, "Point and interval estimation of the target dose using weighted regression modeling"
Thursday, 6.12.2018, 4:30 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Björn Bornkamp (Novartis, Basel), "Two examples of principal stratification estimands and analyses in clinical trials"
Monday, 26.11.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Serhat Günay, "Lagrange multiplier method in infinite dimesional spaces“
Talks in Summer Semester 2018
Monaday, 27.8.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Max Westphal, "A multiple testing framework for diagnostic accuracy studies with co-primary endpoints"
Monaday, 23.4.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Serhat Günay, "Determination of Tangent Sets and Efficient Influence Function for Semiparametric Models (Part I)“
Monaday, 16.4.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Kornelius Rohmeyer, "Multiple contrast tests with PWER control"
Monday, 09.04.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Pascal Rink, "Introduction to Semiparametric Efficiency"
Talks in Winter Semester 2017/18
Monday, 12.03.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Max Westphal, "Multiple testing in the model evaluation phase"
Monday, 5.03.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Katharina Musiolik, "Sample size recalculation and type I error inflation in the design of patient-oriented randomisation"
Monday, 26.02.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Andreas Mändle, "Principal component analysis for material sciences"
Monday, 19.02.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Charlie Hillner, "Group sequential designs with population-wise error rate"
Monday, 12.02.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Eleni Vradi, "A Bayesian model to estimate the cutoff and the clinical utility of a biomarker assay"
Tuesday, 30.01.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Mielke Johanna, "Incorporating historical information in biosimilar trials: challenges and a hybrid Bayesian-frequentist approach"
Monday, 22.01.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Max Westphal, "Evaluation of multiple prediction models"
Wednesday, 17.01.2018, 12:15 a.m., MZH 6210
Saswati Saha, "Dose Response Modelling in Phase II Clinical Trials"
Monday, 15.1.2018, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Arsenio Quingue Nhacolo, "Design and analysis of multiple parallel non-randomized Phase II trials of the same drug tested in different cancer histologies"
Monday, 27.11.2017, 4 p.m., W01 0-012, Campus Wechloy of University Oldenburg
Marius Thomas, "Subgroup identification in dose-finding trials via model-based recursive partitioning"
Monday, 06.11.2017, 4 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Rüdiger Laubender, "Estimation of a joint distribution with two normally distributed treatment responses as marginals generated in a randomized controlled trial based on the parallel-group design by using a normally distributed covariate"
Talks in Summer Semester 2017
Friday, 9.10.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor (day has changed)
Max Westphal, "Choosing estimands in clinical trials with missing data"
Monday, 4.9.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Arsenio Quingue Nhacolo, "Trimmed means for symptom trials with dropouts"
Monday, 21.8.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Saswati Saha, "Disentangling estimands and the ITT principle"
Monday, 14.8.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Martin Scharpenberg, "An Introduction to Estimands"
Monday, 3.7.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Arsenio Quingue Nhacolo, "P-value, Confidence Interval and Point Estimate for Single-arm Adaptive Phase II Oncology Trials with Binary End-point"
Monday, 12.6.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Saswati Saha, "Drug Induced Liver Injury: How do you deal with it?"
Monday, 29.5.2017, 12:30 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Moritz Hanke, "Penalization and the Problem of Selecting Tuning Parameters"
Talks in Winter Semester 2016/17
Friday, 17.3.2017, 2 p.m., Room 40010, Ground Floor
Garima Priyadarshini, "Designing Statistical Experiments for High-Dimensional Multiresponse Systems"
Tuesday, 28.2.2017 (1 to 6 p.m.) and Wednesdy, 1.3.2017 (9 2 p.m.), MZH 6210
ZeSOB Doctorial Colloquium (Programm)
Monday, 27.2.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Arsenio Quingue Nhacolo, "Estimation in Adpative Phase II Oncology Trials"
Monday, 13.2.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
André Lüschen, "Statistical Approachs for Quantifying Treatment Effect Variance and Heterogenity"
Monday, 6.2.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Max Westphal, "Adaptive Approaches to Diagnostic Accuracy Studies"
Monday, 23.1.2017, 1 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, Ground Floor
Werner Wosniok, "Statistical issues of experimental designs in the SFB 1232"
Friday, 16.12.2016, 1:30 p.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 40010, 1st Floor
Susanne Di Termini, "Propensity Score Analysis of Migrane Data"
Friday, 2.12.2016, before talk of Saswati
Max Westphal will introduce himself to our working group with a 10 minutes talk
Friday, 2.12.2016, 10 a.m., Linzerstr. 4 (KKSB), Room 41100, 2nd Floor
Saswati Saha, "Comparison of different approaches for dose response analysis in phase II dose finding studies"
Tuesday, 8.11.2016, 2 p.m., Linszer Str. 4 (KKSB), Room 41100, 2nd Floor
Kornelius Rohmeyer, "Control of the Popoulation Wise Error Rate"